We believe it is important to not only be recipients but to also be giving with our time and talents that God has gifted to each one of us for the purpose of building each member of the church up and helping people come to know Christ.

from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. - Ephesians 4:16

Here is a list of what we have going on

If you think of anything you’d love to see at Boise Community Church let us know!


We are looking for those who will help lead the congregation in Spirit and truth.

If interested please reach out to Michael Newton


Set Up / Tear Down Crew

We need people who will assist with us setting up for our Sunday gathering on Saturday. This helps create a great atmosphere for anyone that enters through our doors.

Boise Community Kids

Teaching and helping with the children is one of the greatest things we can do. This is how we pour into the next generation.

We want those that love children and have a heart to show them the goodness of Jesus and the Gospel.

If interested you must go through an interview please reach out to Kylie Newton to set up 707.328.9967